Tim and Sharyn Abbott's
Borderview Genetics
Located at the picturesque dairy they purchased in Richford Vermont just miles from the Canadian border, the state of the art farm facility has some of the most beautiful views of Vermont and Quebec mountains. And with the surrounding scenery in mind, a new prefix... Borderview Genetics... has been established.
Tim and Sharyn have been active in the dairy business their entire lives. Raised in Vermont on family farms, they were actively involved with 4-H and breed youth activities before meeting while attending the University of Vermont. Tim’s career started with the American Jersey Cattle Association as Manager of Jersey Marketing Service. He then moved to ABS Global acting as a Sire Analyst, sales manager and eventually as the leader of St. Jacobs ABC, a division of ABS. Sharyn was involved with several breed magazines, including time as editor of the Guernsey Breeders Journal as well as work with the Jersey Journal and Holstein World. She also did work as a GMS Evaluator for ABS before choosing to be a stay at home mom for their two children, Chelsea and Caitlyn. Both of the girls have been very involved with owning and showing cattle, having had several All-American nominations at the junior level. Today, Chelsea is working as a guide with a wilderness outfitter in Montana managing the horses and mules used to pack guests as far as 20 miles into the wilderness. She continues to study equine therapy for humans in hopes to start her own business some day. Caitlyn is continuing her career as a NICU nurse and is traveling the country doing travel assignments everywhere from Raleigh NC to Colorado Springs CO. Both girls find time to come help with animals at the farm every now and then and often help us at the shows.
In 2011 the Abbotts purchased St. Jacobs ABC - the cattle breeding company Tim had been running while at ABS. Previously member owned, the Abbott's decision to purchase made it a privately owned company with all sire purchase, promotion, and decisions being made by Tim and Sharyn. St. Jacobs ABC experienced tremendous success throughout their time as owners, selling semen in markets around the world and eventually hitting the mark of over a half million units of semen sales per year before the company was sold in April 2016 to ABS Global.

The Abbotts have always been involved with owning great cows. They have invested in top quality animals for years and their successes have been many - including ownership of a National Grand Champion Jersey, many All-American Holsteins, as well as a Grand Champion of the Royal Winter Fair. They have made many friends over the years, using several different prefixes for their cattle due to partnerships made with these friends. "Pyramid" was an early prefix used for both Holsteins and Jerseys on animals owned with friends Paul Page and Dan Bansen. Their popular cow, Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah, was originally owned with Clark Woodmansee and Peter Vail using the simple prefix of "Hez". Tim and Sharyn were also member owners of another popular cow, Butz-Butler Gold Barbara, and animals from that partnership carry the "Gold Barbara" prefix. The majority of their animals from the past carry the "St-Jacobs" prefix which they began using when they purchased the St. Jacobs ABC bull company and formed St. Jacobs Cows, LLC. But from now on all will carry the "Borderview" prefix.
Tim & Sharyn's goal at Borderview is much like it has been for the past three decades of cattle ownership. They plan to own some of the best type genetics in the cattle breeding business with a primary focus on Holsteins and Jerseys. IVF and ET will be used extensively to multiply the top females in the herd and they plan to have regular promotional sales at the farm and consign to the best sales in North America. Borderview Genetics will focus on having cattle and embryos for sale in all price ranges for customers from all parts of the world and with a variety of genetic goals.
Today Borderview is not operating a farm. We board all our cattle at top facilities with great partners; housing them at many locations including Duckett Holsteins, Interstate Heifer Care, Klinedell Farms. We work with several recipient facilities to make nearly 100 calves per year including Genetic Futures, Andrew and Jenna Lenhardt, Keystone Farms and Klines. We always have cattle and embryos for sale.