Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 EEEEE
All-Canadian & All-American Sr. 2-Year-Old 2009 • Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old 2011
4-03 2x 365 42,046M 4.4% 1,859F 3.3% 1,379P
We have had the privilege of owning many outstanding cows, but one that continually tops that list is Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah, affectionately referred to as Hez. Max scored EX-92 EEEE as a 4 YO, she nearly succumbed to an injury shortly after earning HM Senior Champion honors in Madison in 2011. Though her show and milking career were over, it quickly became apparent that she had an outstanding ability to pass along her genes to her next generation. She has since become one of the breed’s most iconic brood cows with over 200 progeny registered around the world from Australia to Canada. Now at over 16 years of age, Hez is still producing embryos and making great offspring. Her statistics are amazing... producing over 2,200 ooctyes and nearly 650 embryos!
*107 offspring scored in the US - 37 (35%) are EX and 94 (82%) are VG or EX
*17 offspring scored in Canada - All VG or EX
*EX US and Canadian daughters... 14 - EX-92, 2 - EX-93, and 4 - EX-94.
*Goldwyn has been one of her most successful crosses to date with two daughters scored at Ex 94, one at Ex 92 and two at Ex 91.
*Atwood has also been a successful cross – a daughter at Ex 94 and one at Ex 93, 5 at Ex 92, 4 other Ex and 4 scored VG 88.
*Heztry*RC, her son by Destry*RC , has several All-American nominated daughters as well as Championship winnings.
*Her Destry*RC daughter was the Grand Champion of the Mexican National Show in 2016 and she had two granddaughters that stood in the top 5 of their classes at WDE in 2017.

Hez is truly an amazing cow – we often wonder what her future would have held if she had been able to continue showing, but watching her become a brood cow extraordinaire has been a thrilling experience. Hez is still alive and well and lives at Interstate Calf Care in MD. She looks better than ever at nearly 17 years and is on a regular IVF program.